Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Nessus Compliance to Baseline Fix it List


This script is a riff on XMLCompTable - Called XMLCompTableFix. This script produces a list of fix items for the machine to bring it into compliance.

This script gives an X Y chart with tests down one axis and machines across the top axis, resulting in a chart with compliance failures and how to fix them ** See Example Below **


WN10-00-000175 - The Secondary Logon service must be disabled on Windows 10.

Check Failed - Solution: Configure the 'Secondary Logon' service 'Startup Type' to 'Disabled'. Refernces: 800-171|3.4.6,800-171|3.4.7,800-53|CM-7,CAT|II,CCI|CCI-000381,CIP|007-6-R1,CN-L3|,CN-L3|,CSCv6|9.1,CSF|PR.IP-1,CSF|PR.PT-3,ITSG-33|CM-7,NIAv2|SS13b,NIAv2|SS14a,NIAv2|SS14c,NIAv2|SS15a,PCI-DSSv3.1|2.2.2,PCI-DSSv3.1|2.2.3,PCI-DSSv3.2|2.2.2,PCI-DSSv3.2|2.2.3,Rule-ID|SV-89393r1_rule,STIG-ID|WN10-00-000175,SWIFT-CSCv1|2.3,Vuln-ID|V-74719